“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
– Ernest Hemingway
Whether you’re a beginner, pro, or somewhere in between, we have the class for you.
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- Collage Writing Lab: Kickstart Your Creative ProjectIn this 3-week class, you’ll pull from pieces you’ve already written and brand-new writing you generate in class to create a collage. Prompt-driven writing, optional sharing of work, discussions about the collage form, and light feedback sessions will provide direction and encouragement...more
Instructor: Ann Guy
March 10 - March 243 Mondays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
Berkeley, CA - Master Your Beginnings and Endings: A Poetry Craft SeriesThe Writing Salon’s Craft Series offers writers an up-close opportunity to learn from and engage with an acclaimed author about the art and craft of writing. In our winter installment of the Craft Series, Brian Tierney will delve into various approaches to creating dynamic and surprising openings to poems and to developing closings that leave us with a sense of arrival, wonder, even awe...more
Instructor: Brian Tierney
March 15 - March 222 Saturdays, (Pacific Time)10:00am - 1:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Write Now!: Salon SaturdaysFor 25 years, The Writing Salon has used the power of writing prompts to coax out writers’ work in its raw form—work that would later become novels, personal essays, poems. Write Now! will showcase a Writing Salon teacher’s favorite paths to the source of inspiration...more
Instructor: Shelby Hinte
April 051 Saturday, (Pacific Time)10:30am - 12:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Daily Write Round RobinJane Underwood had a unique vision when she developed the Round Robin class. By combining several elements—partnering, repetition, practice, feedback, and dedication—she created not just a writing course, but an actual community, one that has continued and grown for over a decade...more
Instructor: Kathy Garlick
April 06 - May 186 WeeksAll Day
Online - Creative Writing 101: Awakening the Muse“Writing begins in curiosity, an impulse toward discovery, a feeling that something wants to be expressed,” instructor Jennifer Lewis says. “This class will give you the inspiration and encouragement you need to follow that impulse and to discover the stories that are already within you...more
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
April 06 - May 045 Sundays, (Pacific Time)2:00pm - 4:30pm
Online - Fearless Poetry WorkshopCelebrating over 20 years at The Writing Salon, this workshop keeps drawing people who want to jumpstart their poetry practice and to keep the engine oiled...more
Instructor: Julie Bruck
April 06 - May 045 Sundays, (Pacific Time)2:00pm - 4:30pm
San Francisco, CA - Write That Novel!Writing a novel can be a lonely business! If you want to start a novel or you’ve got a novel in progress, this class provides guidance, inspiration, and support...more
Instructor: Elaine Beale
April 07 - May 055 Mondays, (Pacific Time)7:00pm - 9:30pm
Online - Your Story, Your Life: Memoir & Personal Essays“By writing memoir and personal essays, we give form to our histories and make something of meaning and beauty that is uniquely ours,” says instructor Katharine Harer. “I love this genre because you can be yourself, complete with your idiosyncrasies, strong opinions, flashes of wisdom and crazy moments...more
Instructor: Katharine Harer
April 08 - May 065 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Intro to Fiction: Laying the FoundationIn this remote class, you’ll develop concrete skills and narrative techniques through fun writing exercises designed to help you master your craft. At the end of five weeks, you’ll have a better grip on how to use these techniques (for developing character, setting, and plot) as tools for building your story...more
Instructor: Junse Kim
April 10 - May 085 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
Online - Write from Real Life: Personal Essays and MemoirsIn this remote class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art...more
Instructor: Alison Luterman
April 10 - June 059 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
Online - Berkeley MeetupOccurring on a seasonal basis, Writing Salon meetups are designed to provide an intentional and facilitated space to help you keep a finger on your own creative pulse. At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with a community of other like-minded writers...more
Instructor: Ben Jackson
April 121 Saturday, (Pacific Time)2:00pm - 3:30pm
Berkeley, CA - Round Robin Writing GroupRunning concurrently with the Daily Write Round Robin, the Round Robin Writing Group will respond to your specific writing needs and interests, connect you with like-minded writers, and provide insights into process and craft...more
Instructor: Kathy Garlick
April 13 - May 186 Sundays, (Pacific Time)1:00pm - 2:00pm
Online - Creative Nonfiction Mentorship with Ann GuyIn this remote mentorship, instructor Ann Guy will offer personalized guidance and feedback on your creative nonfiction work, including memoir, personal essay, lyric essay, travel writing, and experimental forms...more
Instructor: Ann Guy
April 14 - June 169 WeeksAll Day
Online - Poetry Mentorship with Brian TierneyThis remote poetry “class” offers a unique opportunity for personal and intimate poetry instruction. Students will work with Brian Tierney one-on-one, via written correspondence over two months, during which students will compile and send three “packets”...more
Instructor: Brian Tierney
April 14 - June 169 WeeksAll Day
Online - Screenwriting and Storytelling Mentorship with Kate Montgomery“You can read all the how-to books and ask your friends and family for feedback. But if you’re serious about getting produced or published, you will ultimately need professional guidance,” says instructor Kate Montgomery...more
Instructor: Kate Montgomery
April 14 - June 169 WeeksAll Day
Online - Creative Writing Workshop: The Process Is EverythingThis online creative writing workshop will enable class members to deepen reflection on their own work, receive focused feedback from classmates and instructor, and inspire development toward class members’ finest hopes for their writing projects...more
Instructor: Kathy Garlick
April 20 - June 016 WeeksAll Day
Online - Let’s Get Real: Writing with Authenticity, Passion and VulnerabilityInstructor Elaine Beale says, “The best writers create stories that resonate long after a reader has finished the final page. To do this, you have to be willing to go the places that may feel uncomfortable or complicated, to be both brave and curious...more
Instructor: Elaine Beale
April 22 - May 205 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)7:00pm - 9:30pm
Berkeley, CA - Creative Nonfiction 101: Shape Stories from Your Own LifeIn this class, through weekly, prompt-driven writing exercises, we’ll sift through our memories, everyday experiences, and preoccupations with a sense of adventure and curiosity. To make our stories vivid and captivating, we’ll learn about essential craft elements and practice applying them to our own lives...more
Instructor: Ann Guy
April 28 - June 025 Mondays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
Berkeley, CA - Writing the Page-Turning Binge-Worthy Story“We’re living in a binge culture,” says instructor Kate Montgomery. “If we find an author we like, we read their entire backlist. If we discover a show we enjoy, we binge multiple seasons. Publishers and producers, who buy novels and screenplays, understand the demand for this kind of storytelling and are always in the market for new material...more
Instructor: Kate Montgomery
April 29 - May 133 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)2:00pm - 4:30pm
Online - Intro to Poetry: Finding a Way InWhether you are new to poetry or you are looking for deeper immersion into the art form, this class will show you a variety of ways to appreciate, learn from, and fall in love with both the reading and writing of poetry...more
Instructor: Ben Jackson
May 01 - May 153 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)7:00pm - 9:30pm
Berkeley, CA - Write Now!: Salon SaturdaysFor 25 years, The Writing Salon has used the power of writing prompts to coax out writers’ work in its raw form—work that would later become novels, personal essays, poems. Write Now! will showcase a Writing Salon teacher’s favorite paths to the source of inspiration...more
Instructor: David Jacobson
May 031 Saturday, (Pacific Time)10:30am - 12:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Creative Practice: Cultivating a Writing Routine That Works for You“Writing is a way to engage deeply and meaningfully with the world so that life does not just simply pass us by,” says Shelby Hinte. “Writing is a way to linger and dissect the moments that might otherwise evade us. But as busy adults, how do we find time to write...more
Instructor: Shelby Hinte
May 05 - June 095 Mondays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Short and Sweet: Prose Poems, Flash Fiction and Mini-MemoirsIn this online class we’ll look at examples of short pieces from practitioners such as Lydia Davis and Russell Edson, and we’ll explore how to incorporate techniques like free association and juxtaposition into our work. Then we’ll write, share, and write some more...more
Instructor: Alison Luterman
May 07 - May 213 Wednesdays, (Pacific Time)2:00pm - 4:30pm
Online - Fiction Focus: Dive into Story Craft“Instinct alone will only take us so far as writers,” says instructor Amy G. Latham. “Learning craft techniques will help us to create the lively characters who will drive our plots...more
Instructor: Amy G. Latham
May 07 - June 045 Wednesdays, (Pacific Time)7:00pm - 9:30pm
Berkeley, CA - Fiction Workshop: Enrich Your Drafts“If you’re craving some constructive, insightful feedback from a supportive group of fellow writers, it’s time to dip your toe into the workshop,” says instructor Steve Mitchel...more
Instructor: Steve Mitchel
May 13 - June 176 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)7:00pm - 9:30pm
San Francisco, CA - Creative Nonfiction Workshop: Shaping Our Personal StoriesIn Creative Nonfiction Workshop, students will share drafts of their own personal stories and workshop them through an inquiry-based approach that emphasizes exploration and discovery...more
Instructor: Shelby Hinte
May 14 - June 186 Wednesdays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
Online - Earning Dramatic EmotionIn this 5-week process class we will dissect the intricate concepts of how emotions are developed in fiction and creative nonfiction, and master how to recognize and apply narrative craft that develop dramatic emotions in ways that can move our readers...more
Instructor: Junse Kim
May 14 - June 115 Wednesdays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Turn Your Fragments into Finished WorksIf you’ve been writing for a while, especially if you’ve participated in Round Robin classes, you’ve likely amassed bits of stories, essays, and poems, promising pieces that you haven’t developed further or don’t quite know how to expand. In this 6-week class, we’ll build from those starts, fragments, and sketches to create more fully realized works of art...more
Instructor: Kathy Garlick
May 15 - June 196 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
Online - Poetry for Life“Poetry is a life companion,” says instructor Katharine Harer. “People come and go, pets die, places change, but poetry doesn’t go away because it’s already inside you. It keeps you company through life’s ups and downs...more
Instructor: Katharine Harer
May 171 Saturday, (Pacific Time)10:00am - 1:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Plot and Structure: The Big PicturePlot and structure are the “big picture” ingredients of fiction. A good plot can turn a novel into a page-turner. The right structure will make a story more resonant and compelling and amplify its themes...more
Instructor: Elaine Beale
May 27 - June 103 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)7:00pm - 9:30pm
Berkeley, CA - Daily Write June Round RobinJane Underwood had a unique vision when she developed the Round Robin class. By combining several elements—partnering, repetition, practice, feedback, and dedication—she created not just a writing course, but an actual community, one that has continued and grown for over a decade...more
Instructor: Kathy Garlick
June 01 - June 223 WeeksAll Day
Online - The Three D’s of Fiction: Description, Dialogue & Drama“Whether you’re working on a novel or shorter fiction, the Three D’s are essential,” says instructor Lisa Moore Ramée. “This class will give you tips on how to create descriptions of a world and the characters in it, dialogue that rings true, and dramatic scenes with gripping conflict...more
Instructor: Lisa Moore Ramée
June 03 - June 173 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)6:30pm - 9:00pm
Online - Write Now!: Salon SaturdaysFor 25 years, The Writing Salon has used the power of writing prompts to coax out writers’ work in its raw form—work that would later become novels, personal essays, poems. Write Now! will showcase a Writing Salon teacher’s favorite paths to the source of inspiration...more
Instructor: Kathy Garlick
June 071 Saturday, (Pacific Time)10:30am - 12:00pm
San Francisco, CA - Submit, Repeat, Publish: Landing Your Work in Literary Journals and Small PressesFor beginning through more experienced writers, this class aims to demystify the sometimes confusing process of getting published while offering real-world insights and inspiration for success...more
Instructor: Jennifer Lewis
June 081 Sunday, (Pacific Time)10:00am - 1:00pm
Online - Tiny Kingdoms: Writing the VERY Short StoryHow short can a story be? Consider Ernest Hemingway’s six-word classic: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” A tale told quickly can offer untold riches, which swell inside a reader long after the telling...more
Instructor: Andy Touhy
June 141 Saturday, (Pacific Time)2:00pm - 5:00pm
San Francisco, CA