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9 people are attending Round Robin Redux
Ready to take your Round Robin work to the next level? Do you have fragments of writing you’d like to bring together to create something more finished? Are you ready to revise and polish? The Writing Salon has responded to requests by many Robins for an online creative writing workshop made up exclusively of writers from the Round Robin community.
“The daily writes in Round Robin allow a certain kind of freedom,” says instructor Kathy Garlick. “We develop a naturalness of voice before the censorious self-editor comes in. We experience a supportive audience in which each member is engaged in the same daily process. This workshop will increase that freedom by enabling class members to deepen reflection on their own work, receive focused feedback from classmates and instructor, and inspire development toward class members’ finest hopes for projects begun in Round Robin.”
The course has a very clear mission. Students will devote time every week to submitting their own work, in any genre, and to doing feedback on classmates’ work. The class will be divided into several small groups, so you’ll be responding to just a few classmates in a week rather than to the whole group. An important objective for us is to keep the workload manageable. As well, Kathy will be doing feedback on weekly submissions for all students.
The course will use the online platform Wet Ink, which allows for clear, targeted commentary on sections of submissions. Kathy will give weekly assignments appropriate to students’ revision needs based partly on a questionnaire filled out before the class begins. You will finish the class with not only a completed, or close-to-completed, project, but with increased critical capacities and craft knowledge derived from close commentary on your classmates’ work.
No Instructor Specified