Your Singular Life
“Writing memoir is like being a miner, shining a light into the nooks and crannies of our lives,” says instructor Katharine Harer. “We think we know what we'll find, but we're often surprised by [...]
“Writing memoir is like being a miner, shining a light into the nooks and crannies of our lives,” says instructor Katharine Harer. “We think we know what we'll find, but we're often surprised by [...]
“Each of us has a story to tell, but finding the words and voice for that story is an art and craft specific to each individual,” says instructor Kathy Garlick. “This class is designed for [...]
For 25 years, The Writing Salon has used the power of writing prompts to coax out writers’ work in its raw form—work that would later become novels, personal essays, poems. Write Now! will [...]
For 25 years, The Writing Salon has used the power of writing prompts to coax out writers’ work in its raw form—work that would later become novels, personal essays, poems. Write Now! will [...]
Running concurrently with the Daily Write Round Robin, the Round Robin Writing Group will respond to your specific writing needs and interests, connect you with like-minded writers, and provide [...]
“Whether you’re working on a novel or shorter fiction, the Three D’s are essential,” says instructor Lisa Moore Ramée. “This class will give you tips on how to create descriptions of a world and [...]
What makes a character like Harry Potter or Katniss Everdeen or Walter White so memorable? “Their predicament may be foreign to us and we may not approve of all their choices," says instructor [...]
“Have you always wanted to write but are stumped by the way to tell your own story?” asks instructor Jennifer Lewis. “In this remote class, by exploring different types of creative nonfiction, [...]
For beginning through more experienced writers, this class aims to demystify the sometimes confusing process of getting published while offering real-world insights and inspiration for success
Occurring on a seasonal basis, Writing Salon Zoom meetups are designed to provide an intentional and facilitated space to help you keep a finger on your own creative pulse. At the same time, [...]
San Francisco Location: 2042 Balboa St., San Francisco, CA 94121
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm