Tiny Kingdoms: Writing the VERY Short Story

How short can a story be? Consider Ernest Hemingway’s six-word classic: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." A tale told quickly can offer untold riches, which swell inside a reader long after the telling... more

Instructor: Andy Touhy

February 22
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Novel Writing Group

The Novel Writing Group is designed for writers who have made some progress on their novel (from a complete first draft, to a few chapters, to a detailed outline). The group will provide new novelists with practical tools to help them make progress with various aspects of novel-writing... more

Instructor: Elaine Beale

February 22
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Short Story 1-2-3: Writing Fiction That Packs a Punch

“Ever since I began writing, I’ve been fascinated by the short story form,” Jennifer Lewis says. “You can read a short story from beginning to end in one sitting. I love the immediacy and resolve, the feeling of completion with an economy of words... more

Instructor: Jennifer Lewis

February 22
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Fiction Workshop: Building Our Stories

This class is a hybrid take on the traditional workshop model, and while the workshop will be a major component of every class, writers will also have space to generate new material in class ... more

Instructor: Shelby Hinte

February 22
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Intro to Fiction: To Begin at the Beginning

“Big Secret Number One to writing fiction is that you have to make a mess. Many messes,” says instructor Steve Mitchel. “You have to throw truckloads of words down onto the page knowing full well that most of them will end up in the compost... more

Instructor: Steve Mitchel

February 22
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Setting Is Everything . . . Well, Almost

“Writers often think of setting as simply the place and time in which events occur, but for me setting is not only the water in which our characters swim, but the driving force behind the narrative,” says instructor Anne Raeff... more
September 24 - October 22
5 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Navigating Point of View: “Moving in Close” on 3rd Person-Close

In this two-week class, we will focus on 3rd person-close, probably the most common POV, and discuss when, how, and why to move in closer to a character’s thoughts and when to maintain distance, learning ways to signal this movement clearly... more
October 05 - October 12
2 Saturdays, (Pacific Time)

10:00am - 1:00pm

Jumpstart Your Novel

What does it take to write a novel? Maybe you have an idea but don’t know what to write, or maybe you’ve written dozens of pages but suddenly feel stuck. What do you need in order to keep showing up to the page... more
September 23 - October 21
5 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Intro to Fiction: Opening Imagination’s Doors

In this remote class, you'll develop your skills through reading published writers, discussing the fiction writer’s craft, and doing fun writing exercises. At the end of three weeks, you’ll not only have a better grasp of what it takes to write good fiction, but you’ll also explore the magic of your own imagination... more
November 10 - November 24
3 Sundays, (Pacific Time)

10:30am - 1:00pm

Plot 101: Design the Story You Want to Tell

“Over the years, I've learned that plot is one of the most mysterious elements of the art of fiction,” says instructor Nina Schuyler. "Some writers think a plot is written by formula. Not true! Plot rises out of your characters and your ideas... more
October 26 - November 09
3 Saturdays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

San Francisco, CA