Intro to Fiction: Laying the Foundation

In this class, you'll develop concrete skills and narrative techniques through fun writing exercises designed to help you master your craft. At the end of five weeks, you'll have a better grip on how to use these techniques (for developing character, setting, and plot) as tools for building your story... more
September 24 - October 22
5 Tuesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

The Practice of Craft: Intro to Fiction

You have a story to tell—maybe you’ve ventured to write it down. But something falls short and you don't yet feel confident enough about technique to make it sing. In this five-week course, we’ll dive into the elements of fiction craft... more
August 10 - September 14
5 Saturdays

10:30am - 1:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Who Says It’s Taboo: Breaking the Rules of Fiction

“We all have our favorite writing rules—rules that have come about sometimes as simple pet peeves but more often for valid reasons," says instructor Lori Ostlund. In this class, we will practice breaking those rules ... more
August 11 - September 15
5 Sundays

10:30am - 1:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Plot & Structure: The Big Picture

This one-day workshop is designed for writers who want to better understand how to develop a coherent plot that engages the reader and a structure that brings a story to life. The class will cover key concepts such as story arc, causality, flashbacks, plot twists and revelations... more
August 03
1 Saturday

10:00am - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Write That Novel!

Writing a novel can be a lonely business. It can also be pretty overwhelming when you’re doing it without input or support. If you want to start a novel or you’ve got a novel in progress, this class is designed to help... more
July 08 - August 05
5 Mondays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Tiny Kingdoms: Writing and Publishing the VERY Short Story

Big things can come in small packages—their own perfect beauty tied to their size. The short short story is literary proof that great fiction can come in a small package ... more
August 03
1 Saturday

10:00am - 4:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Fiction Workshop: Honing the Art of Storytelling

“What makes a story compelling?” asks instructor Andy Touhy. “More importantly, what are the ways to make it compelling? In this workshop, we’ll begin to really think about how to tell a good tale (short story or novel)... more
August 13 - September 10
5 Tuesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Step-by-Step to Story: A Generative Short Story Workshop

“Anne Lamott may have coined the phrase ‘Bird by Bird,’ but I like to think of writing stories as similar to building a house,” says instructor Rob Williams. “You don’t build it in a day, you build it Brick by Brick ... more
July 11 - August 08
5 Thursdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Fiction Workshop: Build & Refine Your Storytelling Skills

When we read good stories they tend to endure in our hearts as touchstones that enrich our understanding of the world. We’ve all had the experience of reading something we like and wondering how the author developed such a breathtaking idea, with such compelling characters, and brought it to fruition... more
August 01 - September 05
6 Thursdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Revision Boot Camp: From Trash to Treasure

“Everyone, at every level,” says instructor Andy Touhy, “needs a second pair of eyes, a guiding hand, and an array of re-visioning techniques when it comes to next steps with raw or overcooked material." So in this five-week course, we’re going to have a re-vision party... more
May 13 - June 17
5 Mondays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA