Let’s Begin Here: Approaching Craft in Fiction Through Character, Dialogue & Scene

In order to write, one must read constantly, observe the world well, and take seriously the craft of writing. During this five-week course, we will focus on the last of these, the craft of writing... more
August 11 - September 15
5 Saturdays

10:30am - 1:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Plot & Structure: The Big Picture

This one-day workshop is designed for writers who want to better understand how to develop a coherent plot that engages the reader and a structure that brings a story to life. The class will cover key concepts such as story arc, causality, flashbacks, plot twists and revelations... more
July 28
1 Saturday

10:00am - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Fiction Workshop: Build & Refine Your Storytelling Skills

When we read good stories they tend to endure in our hearts as touchstones that enrich our understanding of the world. We’ve all had the experience of reading something we like and wondering how the author developed such a breathtaking idea, with such compelling characters, and brought it to fruition... more
July 11 - September 05
9 Wednesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Starting Your Novel: Taking the First Steps

Writing a novel can be a lonely business. It can also be pretty overwhelming when you’re doing it without guidance, input or support. If you want to start a novel or you’ve got a novel in progress, this class will provide you with the help you’ll need... more
July 09 - August 06
5 Mondays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Tiny Kingdoms: Writing and Publishing the VERY Short Story

Big things can come in small packages—their own perfect beauty tied to their size. The short short story is literary proof that great fiction can come in a small package ... more
June 09
1 Saturday

10:00am - 4:00pm

San Francisco, CA

To Begin at the Beginning: Intro to the Craft of Fiction

“Big Secret Number One to writing fiction is that you have to make a mess. Many messes,” says instructor Steve Mitchel. “You have to throw truckloads of words down onto the page knowing full well that most of them will end up in the compost... more
May 09 - June 06
5 Wednesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Fantastical Fiction: An Introduction to Writing Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, and Crime

“Zombies. Vampires. Aliens. Heroes and villains and criminals. Worlds of wonder and dark alleys full of terrors. If these elements catch fire in your imagination, you're in good company,” says instructor Jay Ridler... more
April 07
1 Saturday

10:00am - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

The Short Story Laboratory

Enjoy two and a half hours of creation and feedback each week with The Short Story Laboratory, a beginner class that teaches the basics of composing short stories and flash fiction in a fun and fast way... more
May 14 - June 18
5 Mondays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Dream Big: A Workshop for Your Passion Project

Do you have a big idea for a book? A novel? A project that scares, excites, or intimidates you that speaks from your heart? In Dream Big, you'll learn and develop strategies to build the project that you want to write: fiction or non-fiction... more
May 13 - June 17
5 Sundays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Writing from the Heart: Uncover Your Most Powerful Themes

To write our best, we must write from the heart. But finding which subjects mean the most to us can be difficult. Each week Jay Ridler will lead you through a series of fun, engaging, and effective exercises to help you discover and explore the deep and most compelling themes in your life... more
April 08 - May 06
5 Sundays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA