Fiction Workshop: Enrich Your Drafts

"If you’re craving some constructive, insightful feedback from a supportive group of fellow writers, it’s time to dip your toe into the workshop," says instructor Steve Mitchel... more
November 11 - December 16
5 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Short Story 1-2-3: Writing Fiction That Packs a Punch

“Ever since I began writing, I’ve been fascinated by the short story form,” Jennifer Lewis says. “You can read a short story from beginning to end in one sitting. I love the immediacy and resolve, the feeling of completion with an economy of words... more
July 08 - August 12
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Novel Writing Group

The Novel Writing Group is designed for writers who have made some progress on their novel (from a complete first draft, to a few chapters, to a detailed outline). The group will provide new novelists with practical tools to help them make progress with various aspects of novel-writing... more
July 14 - September 22
6 Sundays, (Pacific Time)

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Flash Fiction: The World in Miniature

How do you pack a story into 500 words or fewer? In this 3-hour class, you’ll explore the expansive possibilities of the very short story, otherwise known as flash fiction, and begin creating your own compact gem... more
July 14
1 Sunday, (Pacific Time)

10:00am - 1:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Character Alchemy: Bring Your Cast to Life

In this 2-week class, we will move beyond the conventional ways of creating a character—describing clothes, hair, expression—into a deeper enactment of specificity, unveiling our characters’ motivations, desires, and vulnerabilities... more
September 07 - September 14
2 Saturdays, (Pacific Time)

1:00pm - 4:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Fiction Workshop: Building Our Stories

This class is a hybrid take on the traditional workshop model, and while the workshop will be a major component of every class, writers will also have space to generate new material in class ... more
August 06 - September 10
6 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

The Three D’s of Fiction: Description, Dialogue & Drama

“Whether you’re working on a novel or shorter fiction, the Three D’s are essential,” says instructor Lisa Moore Ramée. “This class will give you tips on how to create descriptions of a world and the characters in it, dialogue that rings true, and dramatic scenes with gripping conflict... more
June 03 - June 17
3 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Earning Dramatic Emotion

In this 5-week process class we will dissect the intricate concepts of how emotions are developed in fiction and creative nonfiction, and master how to recognize and apply narrative craft that develop dramatic emotions in ways that can move our readers... more
April 08 - May 06
5 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Write That Novel!

Writing a novel can be a lonely business! If you want to start a novel or you’ve got a novel in progress, this class provides guidance, inspiration, and support... more
April 22 - May 20
5 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Intro to Fiction: To Begin at the Beginning

“Big Secret Number One to writing fiction is that you have to make a mess. Many messes,” says instructor Steve Mitchel. “You have to throw truckloads of words down onto the page knowing full well that most of them will end up in the compost... more
April 17 - May 15
5 Wednesdays, (Pacific Time)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA