Let’s Begin Here: Approaching Craft in Fiction Through Character, Dialogue and Scene

In order to write, one must read constantly, observe the world well, and take seriously the craft of writing. During this five-week course, we will focus on the last of these, the craft of writing... more
January 08 - February 05
5 Sundays, (PST)

10:30am - 1:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Fiction Workshop: Enrich Your Drafts

"If you’re craving some constructive, insightful feedback from a supportive group of fellow writers, it’s time to dip your toe into the workshop," says instructor Steve Mitchel... more
January 10 - February 14
6 Tuesdays, (PST)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Advanced Fiction Workshop: From Seed to Flower

Have a finished story draft but don't know where to take it next? Or maybe you have an idea for a story but don't know how to get it on the page. In Advanced Fiction Workshop, students will generate new material and refine already drafted stories... more
October 30 - December 11
6 Sundays, (PST)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

Making Unsympathetic Characters Compelling

“Everybody loves heroic characters, those avatars of virtue who can do no wrong as they smile through perfect teeth and find solutions to every problem via indomitable spirit and/or iron will,” says instructor Jeff Chon. “But what is it that makes Sherlock Holmes, often seen as insufferably arrogant, compelling... more
November 30 - December 14
3 Wednesdays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Fiction Workshop: Enrich Your Drafts

"If you’re craving some constructive, insightful feedback from a supportive group of fellow writers, it’s time to dip your toe into the workshop," says instructor Steve Mitchel... more
October 05 - November 09
6 Wednesdays, (PST)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Short Story 1-2-3: Writing Fiction That Packs a Punch

“Ever since I began writing, I’ve been fascinated by the short story form,” Jennifer Lewis says. “You can read a short story from beginning to end in one sitting. I love the immediacy and resolve, the feeling of completion with an economy of words... more
September 19 - November 14
9 Mondays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Earning Dramatic Emotion

In this 5-week process class we will dissect the intricate concepts of how emotions are developed in fiction and creative nonfiction, and master how to recognize and apply narrative craft that develop dramatic emotions in ways that can move our readers... more
September 19 - October 17
5 Mondays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Tiny Kingdoms: Writing the VERY Short Story

How short can a story be? Consider Ernest Hemingway’s six-word classic: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." A tale told quickly can offer untold riches, which swell inside a reader long after the telling... more
October 08
1 Saturday, (PST)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Writing Genre Fiction: The Same, But Different

“Genre fiction includes many types of books: sci-fi, mystery, horror, romance,” says instructor Kilby Blades. “All of these books carry one commonality: readers know how they will end. In fact, readers choose genre fiction in order to be taken on exciting, predictable journeys... more
September 22 - October 06
3 Thursdays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Write That Novel!

Writing a novel can be a lonely business! If you want to start a novel or you’ve got a novel in progress, this class provides guidance, inspiration, and support... more
September 21 - October 19
5 Wednesdays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm