Secondary Characters: Adding Depth, Conflict & Surprise to Scenes

In this class, we will talk about ways to build more interesting secondary characters, study common relationship types, and do exercises aimed at creating more dynamic interactions between characters by thinking from the perspective of the secondary character... more
August 08 - September 12
5 Sundays, (PST)

10:30am - 1:00pm

Intro to Fiction: To Begin at the Beginning

“Big Secret Number One to writing fiction is that you have to make a mess. Many messes,” says instructor Steve Mitchel. “You have to throw truckloads of words down onto the page knowing full well that most of them will end up in the compost... more
July 12 - August 16
5 Mondays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Writing Genre Fiction: The Same, But Different

“Genre fiction includes many types of books: sci-fi, mystery, horror, romance,” says instructor Kilby Blades. “All of these books carry one commonality: readers know how they will end. In fact, readers choose genre fiction in order to be taken on exciting, predictable journeys... more
April 08 - May 06
5 Thursdays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Shaping Your Scenes and Stories: Understanding the Dramatic Arc in Fiction

In this three-session class, Elaine will help you develop a greater understanding of the essential ingredients of a scene and a story, including introducing conflict, creating turning points, and shaping the resolution... more
April 17 - May 01
3 Saturdays, (PST)

10:30am - 1:00pm

Advanced Fiction Workshop: Hearts and Minds on the Page

Are you hungry for honest, constructive feedback on your fiction? Do you long to be part of a community of writers dedicated to helping one another render (shape, enrich, and enliven) a story the best it can be?... more
May 16 - June 20
5 Sundays, (PST)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

Intro to Fiction: To Begin at the Beginning

“Big Secret Number One to writing fiction is that you have to make a mess. Many messes,” says instructor Steve Mitchel. “You have to throw truckloads of words down onto the page knowing full well that most of them will end up in the compost... more
May 19 - June 16
5 Wednesdays, (PST)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Fiction Workshop: Enrich Your Drafts

"If you’re craving some constructive, insightful feedback from a supportive group of fellow writers, it’s time to dip your toe into the workshop," says instructor Steve Mitchel... more
April 07 - May 12
6 Wednesdays, (PST)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Earning Dramatic Emotion

In this 5-week process class we will dissect the intricate concepts of how emotions are developed in fiction and creative nonfiction, and master how to recognize and apply narrative craft that develop dramatic emotions in ways that can move our readers... more
April 05 - May 03
5 Mondays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Write That Novel!

Writing a novel can be a lonely business—especially in this time of social distancing! If you want to start a novel or you’ve got a novel in progress, this class provides guidance, inspiration, and support... more
April 05 - May 03
5 Mondays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

To Begin at the Beginning: Intro to the Craft of Fiction

“Big Secret Number One to writing fiction is that you have to make a mess. Many messes,” says instructor Steve Mitchel. “You have to throw truckloads of words down onto the page knowing full well that most of them will end up in the compost... more
January 12 - February 09
5 Tuesdays, (PST)

7:00pm - 9:30pm