Getting Your Toes Wet: An Introduction to Memoir Writing

Do you feel you have a story inside you, but you’re a little leery of getting thrown in the deep end? In this class, you’ll gently wade into the vast sea of memories and experiences you’ve been carrying around for your whole life... more

Instructor: Alison Luterman

January 23 - February 20
5 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Creative Nonfiction 101: Shape Stories from Your Own Life

In this class, through weekly, prompt-driven writing exercises, we’ll sift through our memories, everyday experiences, and preoccupations with a sense of adventure and curiosity. To make our stories vivid and captivating, we’ll learn about essential craft elements and practice applying them to our own lives... more

Instructor: Ann Guy

January 23 - February 20
5 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Write from Real Life: Personal Essays and Memoirs

In this remote class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art... more

Instructor: Alison Luterman

January 23 - February 20
5 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Your Singular Life

“Writing memoir is like being a miner, shining a light into the nooks and crannies of our lives,” says instructor Katharine Harer. “We think we know what we'll find, but we're often surprised by the depth and complexity we uncover... more

Instructor: Katharine Harer

January 23 - February 20
5 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Creative Nonfiction Writing Group

The Creative Nonfiction Writing Group is designed to foster creative growth where writers can hold each other accountable, give and receive feedback, and ultimately form relationships with other writers that will encourage them to commit to the page the stories they feel most called to tell... more

Instructor: Shelby Hinte

January 23 - February 20
5 Thursdays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Intro to Creative Nonfiction: Let Your Story Unfold

“Have you always wanted to write but are stumped by the way to tell your own story?” asks instructor Jennifer Lewis. “In this remote class, by exploring different types of creative nonfiction, you will find the unique way to bring your story to life”... more
October 27 - November 24
5 Sundays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

Write from Real Life: Personal Essays and Memoirs

In this remote class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art... more
September 25 - December 04
9 Wednesdays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Creative Nonfiction Writing Group

The Creative Nonfiction Writing Group is designed to foster creative growth where writers can hold each other accountable, give and receive feedback, and ultimately form relationships with other writers that will encourage them to commit to the page the stories they feel most called to tell... more
October 13 - December 15
6 Sundays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 8:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Write from Real Life: Personal Essays and Memoirs

In this remote class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art... more
July 09 - September 10
9 Tuesdays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Creative Nonfiction Writing Group

The Creative Nonfiction Writing Group is designed to foster creative growth where writers can hold each other accountable, give and receive feedback, and ultimately form relationships with other writers that will encourage them to commit to the page the stories they feel most called to tell... more
July 14 - September 22
6 Sundays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 8:30pm

San Francisco, CA