Memoir Writing: Mine & Refine Your Memories

In this class we’ll focus on finding and shaping evocative stories from our own lives, stories that build from our specific and unique life events and move toward resonant, universal themes... more
November 09 - December 14
5 Saturdays

10:30am - 1:00pm

San Francisco, CA

Writing Through Transitions

This 5-week workshop will guide you through the intricacies of change, whether you want to explore a story from your past, such as a coming of age moment, or focus on something from your present, perhaps a career change, retirement or relocation, divorce or breakup, or aging... more
October 30 - December 04
5 Wednesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Your Story, Your Life: Memoir & Personal Essays

“By writing memoir and personal essays, we give form to our histories and make something of meaning and beauty that is uniquely ours,” says instructor Katharine Harer. "I love this genre because you can be yourself, complete with your idiosyncrasies, strong opinions, flashes of wisdom and crazy moments... more
September 23 - November 18
9 Mondays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Spinning Straw into Gold: Nonfiction Workshop

This workshop is for nonfiction writers who wish to shape, sculpt, structure, deepen and develop work already in progress... more
September 29 - December 08
6 Sundays

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Berkeley, CA

Getting Your Toes Wet: An Introduction to Memoir Writing

Do you feel you have a story inside you, but you’re a little leery of getting thrown in the deep end? In this class, you’ll gently wade into the vast sea of memories and experiences you’ve been carrying around for your whole life... more
September 26 - October 24
5 Thursdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Write from Real Life: Personal Essays & Memoirs

In this class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art... more
September 24 - November 19
9 Tuesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Write from Real Life: Personal Essays & Memoirs

In this class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art... more
September 05 - November 07
9 Thursdays

2:00pm - 4:30pm

Berkeley, CA

Memoir Master Class

The focus of the workshop is to encourage and guide experienced writers in creating, revising, and potentially publishing short, stand-alone works of memoir... more
July 14 - September 15
6 Sundays

2:00pm - 5:00pm

San Francisco, CA

On Point: Crafting a Short-Form Point of View Piece

“What drives many of us to write is the simple human need to express ourselves,” says instructor David Jacobson. “There may be no better way to meet that need than by presenting a point of view ... more
August 14 - August 28
3 Wednesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA

Nomad with a Notebook: Introduction to Travel Writing

Whether you’ve just returned from Paris or Sacramento or you’re dreaming of a trip, this class will help you transform your observations into vivid and lasting images. Katharine will provide tips on how to carefully observe and record your impressions of new places and cultures... more
July 09 - August 06
5 Tuesdays

7:00pm - 9:30pm

San Francisco, CA