On Point: Crafting a Short-Form Point of View Piece

“Many people are driven to write by the simple human need to express ourselves,” says instructor David Jacobson. “There may be no better way to meet that need than through the short, pointed burst of intellectual and emotional energy that goes into a newspaper column, op-ed or blog post... more
May 11 - May 25
3 Tuesdays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Intro to Creative Nonfiction: Let Your Story Unfold

“Have you always wanted to write but are stumped by the way to tell your own story?” asks instructor Jennifer Lewis. “In this remote class, by exploring different types of creative nonfiction, you will find the unique way to bring your story to life”... more
May 10 - June 14
5 Mondays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Earning Dramatic Emotion

In this 5-week process class we will dissect the intricate concepts of how emotions are developed in fiction and creative nonfiction, and master how to recognize and apply narrative craft that develop dramatic emotions in ways that can move our readers... more
April 05 - May 03
5 Mondays, (PST)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Jumpstart Your Memoir Writing!

Have you ever experienced the nagging feeling you ought to be writing down your life stories, but have simply lacked the time and the tools to do it? If so, this is the class to jumpstart your memoir-writing engine... more
May 15 - June 19
5 Saturdays, (PST)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

Write from Real Life: Personal Essays & Memoirs

In this remote class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art... more
April 07 - June 02
9 Wednesdays, (PST)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Creative Nonfiction Mentorship

Gila Lyons says, "Having a writing mentor is an excellent way to surpass roadblocks, keep on track with your work, be exposed to new writing strategies and techniques, receive guidance in publishing and a writing career if desired, and keep you accountable, inspired, and most importantly, writing... more
February 15 - April 19
9 Weeks

All Day

Nonfiction Workshop: Take Your Writing to the Next Level

This class is for nonfiction writers who are ready to take their pieces to the next level through feedback from classmates and instructor, and who want to learn through the reading and discussion of the work of others... more
January 24 - March 07
6 Weeks

All Day

Writing “Woke”: How to Speak to the 21st Century Reader

“Authors are under increasing pressure to land on the right side of history as it pertains to characterizations, story themes, and personal views,” says instructor Kilby Blades. “Readers, critics, and industry demand cultural and social awareness. When authors get it wrong, the stakes are high... more
January 30 - February 13
3 Saturdays, (PST)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

The Art and Craft of Food Writing

“Food writing offers a unique lens into so much of the world,” says instructor Georgia Freedman. Food is a big part of how we show love, how we share and celebrate our cultures, how we connect with our community... more
January 11 - February 08
5 Mondays, (PST)

7:00pm - 9:30pm

The Transformative Trip: Travel Writing Meets Memoir

At its best, travel transports and transforms us. It makes us pay attention, and leaving home—and our comfort zone—carves out space for new insight. Think of a memorable trip that you’ve taken. What longing or ambition or heartbreak set you in motion? Did you stumble on a new understanding of the world or your place in it?... more
February 13
1 Saturday, (PST)

2:00pm - 5:00pm