Step-by-Step to Getting Published: Landing an Agent

Do you dream of seeing your work in print but don’t know where to start or how to break into today’s competitive market? Do you want a step-by-step roadmap for how to do just that? This 3-hour class will provide a nuts-and-bolts guide from finished manuscript to landing an agent... more

Instructor: Lisa Moore Ramée

January 25
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Self-Publishing 101: A Roadmap for Beginners

“Traditional publishing is not for everyone,” says instructor David Jacobson. "For many of the rest of us, self-publishing is a quicker path leading to greater satisfaction. It allows a writer to retain primary control of how, when, and to whom their work is distributed. What might that mean for you?"... more

Instructor: David Jacobson

January 25
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Writing the TV Pilot & Series Bible

Got a great idea for a binge-worthy TV series? In this 3-week class, you’ll learn what goes into writing an original series and how a strong pilot and pitch can land you a writing job on an existing series... more
November 06 - November 20
3 Wednesdays, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

Submit, Repeat, Publish: Landing Your Work in Literary Journals and Small Presses

For beginning through more experienced writers, this class aims to demystify the sometimes confusing process of getting published while offering real-world insights and inspiration for success... more
October 20
1 Sunday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Submit, Repeat, Publish: Landing Your Work in Literary Journals and Small Presses

For beginning through more experienced writers, this class aims to demystify the sometimes confusing process of getting published while offering real-world insights and inspiration for success... more
June 01
1 Saturday, (Pacific Time)

10:00am - 1:00pm

Submit, Repeat, Publish: Landing Your Work in Literary Journals and Small Presses

For beginning through more experienced writers, this class aims to demystify the sometimes confusing process of getting published while offering real-world insights and inspiration for success... more
January 28
1 Sunday, (Pacific Time)

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Selecting and Ordering Poems for Submission and Publishing

“Whether you’re submitting poems to journals or putting them together for a book,” says instructor Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet, “learning how to order and present your work can give you a deeper understanding of how that work is received – and of what sets your poems apart... more
September 16 - September 23
2 Saturdays, (Pacific Time)

10:00am - 1:00pm

How to Submit: Querying and Applying for Opportunities in the Writing World

“The creative writing world is paved with pathways for writers to lead their projects into the light,” says Kilby Blades, “but navigating those roads isn’t easy. And, at every checkpoint are gatekeepers. In this class, you’ll learn who those gatekeepers are and how they work... more
July 16 - July 23
2 Sundays, (PDT)

2:00pm - 4:30pm

How to Become a Published Author

This course is perfect for writers at any stage of their writing life or career (from beginner to advanced) who want a better understanding of how the publishing world works and how to navigate it to their advantage... more
April 01 - April 15
3 Saturdays, (PDT)

10:30am - 1:00pm

San Francisco, CA

How to Submit: Querying and Applying for Opportunities in the Writing World

“The creative writing world is paved with pathways for writers to lead their projects into the light,” says Kilby Blades, “but navigating those roads isn’t easy. And, at every checkpoint are gatekeepers. In this class, you’ll learn who those gatekeepers are and how they work... more
February 04 - February 11
2 Saturdays, (PST)

10:30am - 1:00pm