Katie Montgomery Screenwriting1 Saturday, February 4, 10am-4pm
$130 members/$145 non-members
Testimonials for Kate

Film and TV producers receive thousands of screenplays every year. Most never make it past a brief mention in a development meeting and many never even make it that far. Unless a respected agent or manager is submitting your work, or an established producer is in your corner, even the most brilliant project stands little chance of being made. To make it to the screen, a project must win the support of  the decision makers who can give it the “green light”.

But how is this done?  Where do you start if you don’t have an agent and don’t know any producers, directors or show runners?  “It takes knowledge, creativity and persistence to break into the entertainment industry,” says indie writer-director-producer Kate Montgomery. “And it can take decades to figure out the things I’m sharing in this 6-hour workshop.”

Through a combination of lectures, writing exercises, games and group discussion, you’ll learn:

  • How to target market your work to the right companies.
  • How to create a package that helps your project to stand out.
  • How to cold call.
  • How to write a compelling query letter.
  • How to get an Agent.
  • How a film project is “packaged”.
  • What goes into a “Series Bible”.
  • How to bypass the traditional “gate keepers”.
  • The difference between a Major, a Mini, an Indie and a Buyer.
  • How a project goes from pitch to Series on Network and Cable.

Kate Montgomery wrote, directed and produced the Sundance indie feature Christmas in the Clouds, which won top honors at festivals in Austin, Santa Fe, Vancouver, Philadelphia and Ft. Lauderdale, and endorsements from Oprah Winfrey & Roger Ebert. She executive produced the micro-indie, Ever Since the World Ended, which won at the SF Indie Fest and the London Sci-Fi Film Festival. She has optioned & sold screenplays to producers and studios in the US, Canada and UK, and works for hire as a script editor and production consultant. Her current feature projects include the Italian romantic comedy Pane Vine, and the western Stealing Lily, for which she also wrote the adaptation.

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