Shirin Photo 9.18.151 Saturday, April 8, 10am-4pm
$130 members/$145 others   
Testimonials for Shirin


 If, like many aspiring authors, you are increasingly overwhelmed by all the publishing options now on offer—you may have even cried aloud, I wish somebody would just tell me what to do!—this is the course for you. Using simple and overt “if yes then A, if no then B” logic, this workshop will walk you through a thorough and comprehensive decision tree. Going step by step, you will see the main options available based on how you personally answer each decision-point question, and learn why some options are subsequently more appropriate than others.

You will discover the latest publishing services and sales channels. You will asses the benefits offered by each, and be warned of their potential limitations. And you’ll be inspired by case studies illustrating some successful out-of-the-box thinking from aspiring authors like yourself.

Bring a pen and notepad to class, and a one-sentence expression of why you would like to be published. Leave with an overview of the publishing labyrinth, a recommended pathway based on your individual decision-point choices, and a clear grasp of your personal next steps.

Shirin Yim Bridges has successfully transitioned from Ezra Jack Keats Award-winning author (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, HarperCollins/Greenwillow, Chronicle books) to self-publisher, to award-winning publisher (Goosebottom Books). She has been featured on the front cover of Publishers Weekly, and she has taught and spoken about publishing at the California Writers’ Club, the Left Coast Writers, San Francisco State University, Illinois State University, and the Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference—where she is the incoming Executive Director.
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