“Writing a novel is a big commitment. It takes time, skill, determination and involves a lot of moving parts. Doing it alone can feel overwhelming,” says instructor Elaine Beale. “If you’re looking for fellow writers to give feedback on your work or you’ve written your first few chapters but aren’t quite sure of your next steps, this group could be exactly what you need.”
The Novel Writing Group is designed for writers who have made some progress on their novel (from a complete first draft, to a few chapters, to a detailed outline). The group will provide new novelists with practical tools to help them make progress with various aspects of novel-writing, including character development, plot, and how to maintain story momentum. There will be in-class exercises and optional homework assignments, as well as regular opportunities for participants to get feedback on their work from Elaine, the group, and through light partner exchanges. Group meetings are intentionally less time-intensive than a writing workshop, so participants can focus on making headway on their own work.
“Often meeting every other week for six sessions, the Novel Writing Group offers a great way to hold yourself accountable, remain inspired, and stay connected with and supported by fellow writers,” says Elaine. “By the end of class, I want everyone to leave with greater confidence, stronger writing skills, a sense of excitement and enthusiasm about their project, and—most importantly—having made real progress on their book.”
Writers of all fictional genres are welcome, including sci-fi and fantasy, mystery and thrillers, young adult novels, or literary works.
About The Writing Salon's Online Zoom Classes
You will be able to participate in live class meetings via Zoom videoconference. To attend classes, you'll need a phone, tablet or computer and access to the internet. You can participate in the class from wherever you'd like, whether on your living room couch or in your office. Before your class meets, you'll receive an email from The Writing Salon with more information about Zoom and your remote class. If you have any questions about remote learning, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at hello@writingsalons.com.

Elaine Beale has published two novels, the most recent of which, Another Life Altogether, was featured in Oprah Magazine and received praise from the Boston Globe, Lambda Literary, and Publishers Weekly, among others. Elaine was the winner of the 2007 Poets & Writers California Writers Exchange Award and has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. Her latest book is Write for Wellness, a guide to using expressive writing to promote emotional and physical health.
- Live Zoom Meeting: Thursday, January 16, 6:30pm-8:30pm
- Live Zoom Meeting: Thursday, January 30, 6:30pm-8:30pm
- Live Zoom Meeting: Thursday, February 13, 6:30pm-8:30pm
- Live Zoom Meeting: Thursday, March 06, 6:30pm-8:30pm
- Live Zoom Meeting: Thursday, March 20, 6:30pm-8:30pm
- Live Zoom Meeting: Thursday, March 27, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Elaine is an excellent, dynamic teacher and very organized with materials and communications. Her critiquing of our writing was extremely valuable. In addition to her considerable experience, she has a gift for it. . . . I wish she could always be my reader, and would definitely take another course taught by her and recommend her classes to others.
I am a big fan of Elaine's classes. She immediately puts the novice at ease and her enthusiastic love of the craft is contagious.
Elaine knows her stuff, obviously, and articulates her insights in an inspiring style. She respects how challenging writing is and accentuates that by constantly providing positive support. She is warm, honest, and helpful for fledgling fiction writers!
Elaine was a fantastic teacher. Supportive, kind, clear, and direct. Her teachings about craft - and the time we spent talking about student projects - were especially helpful.