Short Story 1-2-3: Writing Fiction That Packs a Punch

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

“Ever since I began writing, I’ve been fascinated by the short story form,” Jennifer Lewis says. “You can read a short story from beginning to end in one sitting. I love the immediacy and resolve, the feeling of completion with an economy of words


Facing Down Writer’s Block

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Writer’s block is the curse of even the most experienced writer and stops beginners before they get a word on the page. This class will provide the guidance and inspiration you need to face down writer’s block and succeed


Write That Novel!

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Writing a novel can be a lonely business! If you want to start a novel or you’ve got a novel in progress, this class provides guidance, inspiration, and support


Writing Genre Fiction: The Same, But Different

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

“Genre fiction includes many types of books: sci-fi, mystery, horror, romance,” says instructor Kilby Blades. “All of these books carry one commonality: readers know how they will end. In fact, readers choose genre fiction in order to be taken on exciting, predictable journeys


Intro to the Lyric Essay: Unwrapping the Form

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this 5-week class, we'll immerse ourselves in this exciting form of creative nonfiction. We'll read a variety of pieces that fall into this category, looking at how the authors take risks that surprise and move us


Seasonal Intentions: Autumn Equinox Writing

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

“Honoring the seasonal shifts in the solstices and equinoxes is powerful,” says instructor Jessica Litwak. “We can set new intentions for our writing lives and write freely about the essence of what the season can mean for us


Fiction Workshop: Enrich Your Drafts

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

"If you’re craving some constructive, insightful feedback from a supportive group of fellow writers, it’s time to dip your toe into the workshop," says instructor Steve Mitchel


Tiny Kingdoms: Writing the VERY Short Story

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

How short can a story be? Consider Ernest Hemingway’s six-word classic: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." A tale told quickly can offer untold riches, which swell inside a reader long after the telling


Short and Sweet: Prose Poems, Flash Fiction and Mini-Memoirs

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this online class we'll look at examples of short pieces from practitioners such as Lydia Davis and Russell Edson, and we’ll explore how to incorporate techniques like free association and juxtaposition into our work. Then we'll write, share, and write some more


Write from Real Life: Personal Essays and Memoirs

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this remote class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art

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