Shifting the Burden: Writing Compelling Beginnings

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

What is it that “shifts the burden” and makes readers feel that they want to spend time inside a writer’s world? In this online class, we will focus on first lines and first paragraphs: what they should do versus what creates confusion and keeps the burden on the reader


Who Says It’s Taboo: Breaking the Rules of Fiction

San Francisco 2042 Balboa St., San Francisco, CA, United States

“We all have our favorite writing rules—rules that have come about sometimes as simple pet peeves but more often for valid reasons," says instructor Lori Ostlund. In this class, we will practice breaking those rules


Dead Darlings Redux: Resurrecting the Lines You Killed

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

“I had a wonderful editor who would write in the margins of my manuscript, ‘I love this. Now, cut it,’” says Lori Ostlund, co-instructor of this two-day course, by way of offering a definition of Dead Darlings


Secondary Characters: Adding Depth, Conflict & Surprise to Scenes

San Francisco 2042 Balboa St., San Francisco, CA, United States

In this class, we will talk about ways to build more interesting secondary characters, study common relationship types, and do exercises aimed at creating more dynamic interactions between characters by thinking from the perspective of the secondary character


Shifting the Burden: Writing Compelling Beginnings

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

What is it that “shifts the burden” and makes readers feel that they want to spend time inside a writer’s world? In this online class, we will focus on first lines and first paragraphs: what they should do versus what creates confusion and keeps the burden on the reader


Navigating Point of View: “Moving in Close” on 3rd Person-Close

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this two-week class, we will focus on 3rd person-close, probably the most common POV, and discuss when, how, and why to move in closer to a character’s thoughts and when to maintain distance, learning ways to signal this movement clearly

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